Infrastructure & Technology
Since the creation of our French file transfer service, our goal is to carry out an ambitious project. Ambitious, because we have only one goal in mind, that of becoming a real challenger in the global file transfer market. We are French and proud of it, but our ambition goes well beyond the uniquely and exclusively French market. We want to provide for our users, all around the world, a very performant service for sending and receiving files of any size and type.
We have always done the best to achieve this goal. This is the reason why, from the beginning, we made the strategic choice to back ourselves to Amazon Web Services, the most complete and widely adopted cloud platform in the world. Millions of startups, very large enterprises and leading public organizations also use AWS to develop their projects, gain agility and innovate faster.
It’s a choice that may not be obvious to everyone, which questions. We understand, that’s why we expose our motivations and convictions with transparency.
Our infra is extra.

Our choice for AWS
Before choosing this technological partnership with AWS, we considered other options, even French ones. We were looking for a partnership who could be able to answer our goal of performance, security and scalability around the globe.

Our 5 good reasons that motivated our choice:
Smash alongside AWS it’s… a global and secure infrastructure.
We are designed to accommodate companies around the world thanks to our highly scalable, 100% cloud platform hosted on AWS: available in 9 regions (including France, United Kingdom, United States, etc), multi-region high availability, 24/7 support and on-call duty.
Every month, our infrastructure handles several million file transfers around the world. That’s about 2000 Terabytes of data!
We enjoy privileged support from the AWS team. This allows us to be at the forefront of new products and techniques.

But how?
Here is a sample of all the services and technologies used on a daily basis by Smash's technical teams:
API Gateway
This service meets our critical need for a scalable platform, on which we can continuously test, quickly release new versions, while extremely easily monitor error rates. Above all, it’s a tool that offers our users stability and increased performance of our service, regardless of the volume of transfers.
Cloud Front
With an extremely large circulation network around the world, Cloud Front enables Smash and its users to achieve the best processing speeds and low latency. All in a highly secure and scalable way.
With Lambda, we can run code without having to commission or manage servers. Thanks to Lambda, we can focus on developing high added value features to meet the needs of our users. This service is highly available and scalable, which allows us to provide our users with optimal service continuity.
S3 is the service that allows us to store in a highly secured way our users’ files and data. The performance of this service ensures durability of our users’ data of 99.999999999% (11 9). Thanks to the scalability and high availability of this service, our users will always benefit from peak performance.

And then?
We will continue to explore the benefits of AWS to make our service even better and to satisfy even more users. We will soon be opening new regions that will complement the current 9.