How To Send Files or Folders?

Discover some useful « how to » guides to learn the best ways to send large files nowadays, quickly, efficiently and safely.

How To Send Large Files in 2024

In your daily life or occasionally, you probably need to send large files. Let us introduce you 6 ways to send these files in minutes.

How To Send Large Video Files in 2024

Video files are everywhere in our all digitalized lives. Find out 7 efficients ways to send large video files.

How to Send Large Photo Files

Sharing large photos is part of our daily lives, but sending them without losing quality is not so easy. Find out the best ways to send large photos files online.

How To Send Large Files Through Email

Attachments are repeatedly too big for email clients. Discover our 4 favorites solutions to send large files via email.

How to Send Files on WhatsApp

Transferring files through the messaging application WhatsApp is a daily action. Read our guide to discover the best ways to send large files on WhatsApp while maintaining HD quality.

How to Send Files Bigger Than 2GB

Files are getting bigger and 2GB is the limit of most of online ways to send large files. Discover our best ways to send files bigger than 2GB easily.